Tha aim of this questionnaire is to determine your basic morpho-psychologic constitution
(Prakriti of birth).
For each question you have the choice between 4 answers : "0",
"1", "2", ou "3".
You can only select one answer and it is the last that will be taken into consideration.
If you think that the answer is corresponding perfectly, then select the answer : "3".
If you think that the answer is corresponding well, then select the answer : "2".
If you think that the answer is corresponding enough well, then select the answer : "1".
The value "0" is used only to avoid restarting the questionnaire from the beginning if you make a mistake. (If, after selecting an answer you want to avoid the question, then select the answer :"0").
This questionnaire is composed by 2 types of questions :
- those related to your body and physiology (objectives questions) :
answers "3" normaly.
- those related to your personality (subjectives questions) : answers "1",
"2" ou "3".
This questionnaire is conceived to determine your Prakriti (birth constitution) and not your Vikruti (actual constitution) which can be more or less different.
Consequently, go in your memories several years back or up to your chilhood if necessary but above all
take in consideration the periods when you were healthy.
Answer the more honestly possible in your own interest even if the answer seems sometimes not very pleasant.
Before starting this questionnaire, relax yourself for a few minutes then take your pulse and note it down.
Then take a mirror eventually if you have one and/or take the advice of somebody who knows you well (parent or friend) to help you to answer and start answering.
We wish you a pleasant and rich moment !
Below average to average
Average to tall
1 2 3
2 - Body
Low, Underweight, loose weight easily
Medium, even, loose or gain weight
Heavy, overweight, gain weight easily
dark/unclear, unsteady eyes, habit of raising eyebrows, small, sunken,
active, black, brown
White part reddish, browneyes, sharp eyesight, bright gray, green,
yellow/red, sensitive to
light, with
penetating gaze
White part milky white, edges reddish, calm, soft, gentle look, big,
beautiful, blue, calm,
0 1 2 3
17 - Nose
Uneven shape, deviated septum, uneven in shape,
small, thin
Long pointed, red nose-tip
Short, button nose, short, rounded, thick,
Slender, thin, narrow
Medium width, moderate
Heavy, big, wide
0 1 2 3
25 - Hands
Small, dry, cool, with small, long fingers
Medium-sized, moist, warm, pink
Large, oily, cool, firm
0 1 2 3
26 - Legs
Thin, knobbly knees
Squat, thick
0 1 2 3
27 - Joints
Protruding, unsteady, cold, thin, small, and make
cracking noises
Loose, moderately hidden, moderate in size, soft and loose
Strong, well knit, firm, compact, well hidden, large, lubricated
0 1 2 3
28 - Perspiration
Scanty with no odor
Heavy with strong odor
Moderate or heavy with pleasant odor
Less than that of normal - palms and feet are cold
More than that of normal - palms, feet, face and forehead are hot
Normal - palms and feet are slightly cold.
0 1 2 3
31 - Appetite
Unpredictable, variable, irregular, with skipped meals
Good, cannot tolerate hunger, must eat regular meals
Comparitively less, can tolerate hunger, steady but can skip meals
0 1 2 3
32 - Thirst
Variable, likes hot
High, likes cool
0 1 2 3
33 - Quantity of foods
Not fixed, sometimes more, sometimes less
Comparatively more
Comparatively less
0 1 2 3
34 - Kind of food
Hot and wet
Cold or warm
Hot and dry
0 1 2 3
35 - Eating speed
Moderately fast
0 1 2 3
36 - Digestion
Irregular, forms gas
Quick, causes burning
Prolonged, forms mucous
0 1 2 3
37 - Elimination
0 1 2 3
38 - Stools
Blackish, hard, once in a day, constipation
Yellowish, loose, once/twice a day, loose
Yellowish, well formed, once in a day, thick, oily, sluggish
0 1 2 3
39 - Menses
Irregular, clots, intense cramps, dark colour, scanty flow
Regular, heavy, long bleed, bright red colour, medium cramps
Regular, easy, dull cramps, water retention
0 1 2 3
40 - Gait
Quick, short steps
Medium pace, purposeful
Slow and graceful
0 1 2 3
41 - Movements
Unsteady, like to wander here and there, habit of moving hands, legs
and shoulders
Slow, steady
Very talkative, irrelevant, fast, unclear, often imaginative or
Talkative, good at arguments, penetrating, precise, convincing, clear,
Slow, soft, steady, firm but little speech, monotonous, melodic, rich
with moments of
0 1 2 3
44 - Sexual desire
Less, erratic appetite, short, lowish fertility
Medium, passionate appetite, average fertility
Abundant, regular appetite, good fertility
Five to seven hours, interrupted, scanty, light, insomnia, irregular
Six to eight hours, little but sound, even
Eight hours or more, sound, deep, prolonged, difficult to wake up
0 1 2 3
48 - Dreams
Skies, winds, hurricane, quick, active, many fearful, flying
Fire, lightning, gold, bright coloured views, fiery, war, violence, sun
Water, pools gardens, faint coloured views, lakes, slow, romantic,
water and snow
0 1 2 3
49 - Endurance
Low, energy comes in spurts, then need to rest
Moderate or high. can push myself too hard.
Good, long-lasting
Quick but faulty response, erratic
Accurate response, critical
Slow, exact, solid
0 1 2 3
54 - Making decision
Quick and decisive
0 1 2 3
55 - Relationships
Easily adapt to different kinds of people
Often choose friends on the basis of their values
Slow to make new friends but forever loyal
1 2 3
56 - More
Sensitive to
Bright light
Strong odors
0 1 2 3
57 - Work strength
Less, gets tired after small amount of work
Moderate, gets tired quickly after medium amount of work
Good, after doing large amount of work does not feel tired
0 1 2 3
58 - Work
Fast, in hurry
Medium fast
Steady, slow
0 1 2 3
59 - Memorising
Less, always forgets quickly, recent good, remote poor
Precise, accurate
Slow recall, good long-term
0 1 2 3
60 - Learning
By listening to a speaker
By reading or using visual aids
By associating with another memory
0 1 2 3
61 - Tackling problem
Worrying constantly, cannot take one fixed, stable decision
Can take right, firm decision quickly, good at decision making
Can take right and firm decision with calm and stable mind but takes
0 1 2 3
62 - Mental
Questions, theorizes
Judgmental or artistic
Stable and logical
Spends money on trifles
Spends money on luxuries
Good money preserver
0 1 2 3
65 - Dislike
Weather that is cold, windy, dry. Comfortable in the heat.
Weather that is hot, with strong sun. Thrive in winter.
Weather that is cool and damp. Tolerate extremes well.
0 1 2 3
66 - Preferences
Traveling, art, esoteric subjects
Sports, politics, luxury
Good food, cooking
1 2 3
67 - Way of learning
Quickly, Enjoying more than one thing at a time, i can lose focus
Sharply focusing, discriminating, i finish what i start
Taking my time, i tend to be methodical